These are the guidelines for non commercial guest posts. For Sponsored posts please go here.
If you are willing to write for us, contact us but first make sure to include in your request:
- One or more topic proposals;
- The web address to which you would like to link; STRICTLY only NO-FOLLOW links!
- Examples of previous articles you wrote.
- Write "Sustainable Nomad" at the beginning or your message, so that we know you have read this page, otherwise we'll discard directly your message as spam
Proposal missing these simple points, will be automatically refused and considered as spam. After we accept your Guest Post make sure to read and to accept all the guidelines below. Articles not respecting the guidelines will be refused or sent back for editing.
General Guidelines for guest blogging
- The article has to be original, informative and adhere to the topic given or chosen. No spammy content please, or the article will be refused.
- The length of the article should generally be between 500 and 1500 words;
- Review your article several times before submitting and make sure it's in correct English as much as possible, that there are no typos and that you use correct punctuation;
- If the content will not be satisfactory, we will ask you to modify it before publication;
- We will choose the category that best fit the article unless otherwise agreed;
- At the beginning of each Guest Post, we will add a few lines of introduction;
- Seo Optimization and the use of keywords, naturally integrated, is very welcome, but no keyword stuffing please! A rate of 3% is more than enough, better less than more.
- For non paied guest posting linking is allowed only to personal pages. No affiliate links.
- We don't pay writers in any case, it's a free exchange, you write an article for us, and we link back to your personal page.
- It's possible to include other pertinent external links not connected in any way with the author.
What we want from you
- Provide a text document with the article, no html formatting, don't change the font or the font color. You can attach the text directly in the e-mail message;
- Each author can have a short Bio with a maximum of 80 words. If you want your own Bio, send it along with the article.
- It's possible to include a link in the Bio, but only to personal pages, unless otherwise agreed in advance;
- Provide some title suggestions, possibly using the same keywords you used in the text;
- Provide a meta description of 140-250 characters (it will appear in google search) and 5 to 15 comma separated keywords to put in the meta keywords;
- Include photos as specified below.
- Photos need to be in context, beautiful and personally owned, or to have a Creative Common license or to receive the authorization from the author.
- Articles without photos will be refused. If you don't have any, use the advanced search of Flickr selecting: Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content > Find content to use commercially.
- Copy also the link to the profile or website of the photographer, so that we can link to him in the photo credits;
- Provide also captions for the photos.
Formatting and Layout of guest posts
- First check some of our articles and try to keep the same structure, this is a good example: text has to be divided into different sub-paragraphs with sub-title so that it is easy to read:
- In each paragraph select some important words and make it bold;
- We will do ourselves style, headers and photo layout, to avoid confusion and loss of time for both.
For any other question, please contact us.
Good work!