Davide and OtiHello Humans! This is Davide, running NomadTravellers.com
Born in Italian land and adopted by the World, since 2010 I've been travelling low cost, overland and sustainably, backpacking and volunteering in interesting projects from which I learn and give back as much as I can. I like to experience new things every day, to share my life with other inspiring beings and to stay outdoors, amazed by nature, which is my greatest source of inspiration. I'm into intentional communities and ecovillages, and I try to have a frugal but fulfilling life. In the last few years I got into body movement, in particular Contact Improvisation and Ecstatic Dance, that give me joy and connection.
Davide Vadala'
Some years ago I quit my job to explore as much as possible of this world, trying to do it in a sustainable way. I turned my passions for travel and photography into my everyday life and I'm very interested in traditional and natural ways of building. I'm an artist, carving wood and modelling with ceramics, and I'm also a prolific travel and photography writer, with publications in several paperback and online magazines. I dream of a world based upon needs and resources, and I strongly unlike cars as a private means of transportation, making the bicycle my elected vehicle. In 2018 I managed to accomplish my first cycling trip from Portugal to Rome (Italy).
My Travels
I started to be a nomad traveller when I was still young, but only for a couple of weeks a year, as most of the people do. Until I couldn't stand anymore the western lifestyle, and I quit my job a first time in 2007. I went for 3 months in Arcosanti (USA), to experience an alternative lifestyle in a community in the desert in Arizona. After this experience I tried to go back to my job and to "normal life" but I had to quit a second and last time in 2009, since I started travelling endlessly. I've travelled so far in 54 countries and in 4 different continents and I try to travel without using the plane as long as I can. I've recently travelled overland for almost 7 years, never using any flight in order to reduce my impact on our Mother Earth. Before that, I hitchhiked for 954 days overland, in which I covered more than 50 000 km on a single trip.
My travel map
Until 2018 I was travelling with my ex-partner Otilia, originally from Romania, with whom we shared almost 7 years of intense travels and relationship. Now on separate paths, we are still in touch many years later, and you'll recognize Otilia's presence in many older articles.
Otilia Lefter
I finally decided to pursue my life time dream of discovering the world when I met my better half first and travel companion later. Even if my family finds it difficult to understand, I enjoy explaining them that I plan to travel all year round and work in the vacation. This may seem difficult, but living the present I find it to be much more useful and fun than preparing for the future. So if people ask me about career, I like to say that I’m preparing to become a “professional traveler”. I enjoy people’s solidarity and I share their smiles. They inspire me with great ideas for designing a future society fully sustainable, a better one based on cohesion and awareness within the members. Due to my sociological background I’m interested in human interaction which I’m trying to experiment in a non-formal way through contact dance as well as self awareness, self expression and emotions through contemporary dance and visual arts.